Welcome! Hope everyone is well. With everyone going back to school, I wanted to give you some of the history of the public school system. To say the least it is extremely disturbing. In my next blog I will give you more of this evil history.

Now for this week’s story:

I find it interesting that we live at a time when the average person can easily obtain the information on how their own brain works.

For instance, how does the brain learn and what is the most effective way to teach it something? Why does the brain make the decisions that it makes? What is the best way to get a crowd to react? If I wanted to take over a society how would I go about doing it? Once the brain has learned something can it be unlearned, such as bad habits? Can we prevent ourselves from being manipulated by someone else? If so, how? Today, the average person can easily find the answer to all of these questions

 As I said above this is the first time in history that the average person actually has access to this information. With this information you can truly be free from someone else manipulating you into making the decisions they want you to make.

This information has only been easily available to the average person for a short period of time. O this information was available in books, but you had to go out of your way to find it.

Today you only have to open a search engine. Type in how does the brain work, and you’ll have all the information you’ll ever need on the subject.

Why is this important to you?

The wannabe ruling class, the international banks, governments, one percenters, and massive international corporations know how the human brain works. They know why the brain makes the decisions it makes. They know how to manipulate you without you knowing they are doing it and they have known this information for thousands of years.

The wannabe ruling class, have used this knowledge for thousands of years to get entire societies to give up their God- given rights to freedom.

They have used it to get people to go to war over and over again. Manipulating the people on both sides to hate each other so the people actually think it’s the people’s idea to go to war.

War is extremely lucrative, just ask the banks. They finance both sides. Killing countless numbers of people over the centuries. The banks then finance the rebuilding of the war torn regions. They then start another war. The banks have kept wars going for hundreds and thousands of years. They have enslaved countless numbers of people and are right now trying to enslave every last one of us.

The massive amount of money being made doesn’t stop with the banks. The arms dealers making and providing the weapons make a fortune. The construction companies rebuilding the war torn region make a fortune.

Although the wannabes are the ones that are doing this we can’t blame them for our situation. This is because it makes no difference what jungle you live in, there will always be predators. And, the only way for someone to protect themselves from a predator is to know how to protect themselves from that predator.

In this case, the predators are using your own brain and your lack of knowledge to keep you poor, angry, and uneducated. A massive one percenter, John D. Rockefeller, is quoted as saying “I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers”.

Rockefeller’s partner in the development of today’s American education system, Frederick T. Gates said this, ““In our dream.. …The people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. …We shall not make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or of science. We are not to raise up among them authors, orators, poets, or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo (this means natural God-given gifts) great artists, painters, musicians. Nor will we cherish even the humbler ambition to raise up from among them lawyers, doctors, preachers, statesmen, …”

The first step in stopping these predators is for us to educate ourselves. Don’t wait for school to educate you. The schools were set up by the wannabe world rulers. They are not just looking for slaves they are actually going through the motions of making you one.

There are a plethora of places online you can go to for you to find out the simple way to master your brain. If you would like you can go to one of my websites. www.youreamazingandillproveit.com You’re Amazing And I’ll Prove It! is for children and parents. www.thedoorwaybook.com  The Doorway – To A Lifetime Of Freedom is for adults. There you will find all in one place everything you’ll need to know to protect yourself. Until we speak again, stay free. You’re Amazing And I’ll Prove It!  

References –

The History Of Central Banking and The Enslavement Of Mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92EIE4zuuYM – audio version

Wall Street and The Bolshevik (Marxist) Revolution by Professor Antony Sutton – https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Wall+Street+and+The+Bolshevik+(Marxist)+Revolution+by+Professor+Antony+Sutton

The Dark Truth of The School System (Why it sucks) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MTE1B8ihG8&list=WL&index=11  

Quotes from John D. Rockefeller and Frederick T. Gates –  https://aninjusticemag.com/a-nation-of-workers-not-a-nation-of-thinkers-20caf6e692bd



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As always, I welcome your comments and stories. If you would like to follow my blog, please click on the plus (+) sign in the upper left-hand corner of this page. See you soon!

Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor






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Guest on –

Beyond Surviving with Rachel Grant – (air date 8-16-23)

I Should Have Learned This Sooner (air date 6-19-23)

Rich Life Realization podcast (air date TBD)

Anxiety About Anxiety (air date 12-21-22)

Finding Freedom with John Odermatt (air date 8-4-22)

Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YouTube (air date 11-30-21)

The Power To Pivot with Elizabeth Miles (air date 3-16-21)

Heroes Like You Podcast with Joe Belliston (air date 3-5-20)

Be Awesome Podcast with Dr. Kristina Hallett (air date 3-3-20)

The Empowered Whistleblower with Dawn Westmoreland (air date 2-24-20)

Which Way? with Shari and Jann Simmons (air date Friday 1-10-20)

Let’s Live! with Thurman Greco – Woodstock, NY cable TV – Nov. 2019

Beyond Risk and Back with Aaron Huey (air date TBD)

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