
Hope everyone is doing well.

My Lady Linda and I taught a You’re Amazing class at the Read and Write Program in Kingston, NY. As always we had so much fun with the kids. They were incredibly engaged while learning that each and every one of them is absolutely amazing. It was so much fun listening to the questions they had and interacting with them. We want to thank Teresa Thomas-Washington and Andrew for letting us come in to the Read and Write Program and teach their children.

We do have openings for anyone who would like us to come in and teach their children. As far as the children’s classes their ages range from 6 – 13. We have had classes where the kids were roughly 6-9 and other classes where the kids were 9-13. If you are interested in scheduling a class, our contact information is listed below.

Story Time:

Who Hates Trump? The countries or the entities, not the people

China – communist


Canada – socialist

North Korea – communist

Cuba – communist


Russia – communist

Countries throughout South America

NATO countries throughout Europe – socialist

Countries all throughout the Middle East

Countries in Africa

High tech

Facebook, Twitter (pre-Musk), TikTok, Amazon, Google and more

Organized Crime

Cartels, Drug runners, slave trade, gun running (illegal guns), MS 13

Most Elected Democrats

Elected RINOs

Liberal judges

Liberal prosecutors

Corporations – massive not all, but most and Unions


JPMorgan-Chase and Goldman Sachs

Ford and GM Leadership of unions, not the members

Teachers’ Unions, not the members

CNN, CNBC, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, The New York Times and many more international corporate News Organizations all over the world.

Elite of the Elite who think you are nothing and they are so smart they alone can run the World

George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab – founder of the World Economic Forum

Hollywood – not all, but most

What do they hate about Trump?

His wall – Mexico could no longer make money being a transient country for the illegal slave, drug, gun trade and any other illegal trade. Mexico had to pay for the border wall and defend it.

His crackdown on the drug trade

His crackdown on illegal guns and at the same time telling the average citizen they are allowed to exercise their second amendment right to defend themselves with a gun.

Bringing industry home from China and making China pay tariffs and not allowing them to pass the tariff tax onto the American Consumer.

Telling China and the rest of world to get rid of slavery.

Stopping wars all over the world which are making the people and entities that hate Trump trillions of dollars and have been for centuries.

Helping our black brothers and sisters by having policies which led to having the lowest inner city black unemployment rate in the history of keeping that record.

Helping our Hispanic brothers and sisters by having policies which led to having the lowest Hispanic unemployment rate.

Helping our sisters to having the lowest women’s unemployment rate since 1969 when the USA was in Vietnam and in the middle of the space race at that time.

Canada – stopping the Canadian Government from subsidizing their farmers so they could bring their goods into the US and undersell the US farmer.

Pharmaceutical – combined with socialist governments all over the world who told the USA that you and I, the American people, were going to pay for their pharmaceuticals. Our other leaders on both sides of the aisle allowed this for decades. This allowed the pharmaceutical companies to sell a product in other countries for $2 and charge an American $5,000 for that same product. Trump told Americans they could buy their pharmaceuticals anywhere they wanted online. Under Biden and the other presidents Americans buying from other countries was illegal. The government could put you in prison for it.

Pharmaceuticals also hate Trump because of his “The Right To Try” policy. If you don’t know what this is, if there is an experimental drug and/or treatment out there, before Trump you weren’t allowed to try it. You just had to die. Now there are people that are alive and don’t need the bullshit that the pharmaceutical companies have been shoving down out throats. This can really hurt the bottom line of the pharmaceutical companies.

Cartels, Drug runners, slave trade, gun running (illegal guns), MS 13 with his wall and the other policies he stopped the Democrats, RINOs, Liberal judges, banks and others from profiting off of the death trade.

Ford, GM, and other unions, Leadership of unions not the members, who have made a fortune supporting the USA Government sending the USA jobs by the millions to China and other countries so they can use slave labor and get around anti-pollution regulations, as well as other regulations.

Teachers’ Unions, not the members, who hate Trump because he is telling the people to stop using the Teachers’ Union run schools. Trump is telling the people the truth. Union Schools were set up and are being run to deliberately make anyone who attends them into a dependent of the state and at the same time to be dependent on international corporate go-no-place jobs.

Liberal prosecutors – who are illegally going out of their way to try and find something that Trump did illegally, as Stalin famously said “show me the man, I’ll show you the crime.” You can accuse someone of anything, but in America you have to have evidence before you accuse the person, then you have to use the evidence to prove it. In Trump’s case they haven’t been able to prove anything they have accused him of, and in many cases they literally paid for evidence to be manufactured.

The above is just what I could pull off the top of my head. I can guarantee that there are plenty of more entities that HATE Trump. If this many entities hate Trump because he is making them stop the evil they are committing, he has my support.

Never follow any leader blindly, but as far as the policies that are leading to stopping the atrocities that entrenched politicians are doing, I support every one of them.

Make up your own mind. You can research this information for yourself – simply DuckDuckGo it, check it out on YouTube, etc. Did you know that Trump was going after evil with this kind of tenacity? Now that you know of the policies, what do you think? Let me know in the comments.

You’re Amazing And I’ll Prove It!

Attention all parents! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 📢

Are you looking for a fun and inspiring way to Teach Your Children Positive Self-Esteem? Look no further than You’re Amazing And I’ll Prove It! 🌟 This book is filled with exciting rooms 🏰 to explore and topics to learn about📚🌍. The rooms are filled with thought-provoking comparisons and real-life stories 📖that will encourage your child to embrace their unique talents and abilities🌈.

Have fun with your precious children while teaching them how incredibly valuable they are. Your child will also learn that the people around them have enormous value.

Unlock 🔓 your child’s full potential Order Now at 👉

https://www.youreamazingandillproveit.com/ 📚👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

When you order on the You’re Amazing And I’ll Prove It! website, in addition to a physical and digital copy of the book, you get a number of valuable FREE Bonuses! 🎁

As always, I welcome your comments and stories. If you would like to follow my blog, please click on the plus (+) sign in the upper left-hand corner of this page. See you soon!

Neal Brownell The Crazy Inventor






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Guest on –

Beyond Surviving with Rachel Grant – (air date 8-16-23)

I Should Have Learned This Sooner (air date 6-19-23)

Anxiety About Anxiety (air date 12-21-22)

Finding Freedom with John Odermatt (air date 8-4-22)

Let’s Live with Thurman Greco – YouTube (air date 11-30-21)

The Power To Pivot with Elizabeth Miles (air date 3-16-21)

Heroes Like You Podcast with Joe Belliston (air date 3-5-20)

Be Awesome Podcast with Dr. Kristina Hallett (air date 3-3-20)

The Empowered Whistleblower with Dawn Westmoreland (air date 2-24-20)

Which Way? with Shari and Jann Simmons (air date Friday 1-10-20)

Let’s Live! with Thurman Greco – Woodstock, NY cable TV – Nov. 2019

Beyond Risk and Back with Aaron Huey (air date TBD)

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